Primary and Kindergarten 3.6 to 6 Years
Our Primary and Kindergarten Program is designed to facilitate the principles of Montessori in every regard.
Sensorial: The Montessori Materials are scientifically designed by Dr. Maria Montessori to isolate single concept that a child discovers through working with them. These materials are oriented to advance the child’s ability to define qualities such as length, color, shape, color, size, texture, sound and smell. They help to develop the child’s visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory (smelling) and gustatory (tasting) senses
Many Montessori materials that we use in our primary classroom, such as constructive triangles and trinomial box are concrete representations of mathematical concepts that reappear in later schooling (reappears starting 4th grade in conventional education).
Language: The Montessori environment is rich in oral language opportunities, allowing the child to experience conversations, stories and poetry. The language materials include objects and pictures to be named, matched, labeled and classified to aid vocabulary development. Storybooks, tapes and video equipment are used to acquaint children with the components of a story. The whole language approach is encouraged as children create oral and written stories about interesting events in their lives. For recognition and familiarity of letters, textured letters are used to allow children to feel and see the alphabet. Phonics, workbooks and the movable alphabet lead children toward reading. To further reading development, children are exposed to the study of grammar.
Montessori math materials give children concrete experiences of basic mathematics principles, preparing them for later abstract reasoning, and help to develop problem solving capabilities. For recognition and familiarity of quantity, textured numerals are used to allow children to feel and see their shapes. A sequential array of math materials is available for the children’s discovery into our mathematical world. The emphasis is on using manipulative materials to give the child a solid foundation for the abstract math work he/she will do in later years.
Science: Biology, Botany, and Zoology are presented as extensions of sensorial and language activities. We teach students about various aspects of science, earth, nature, and specific themes such as botany, study of animals, dinosaurs, galaxies, earth science, and physical science.
Geography: Children about people and cultures in other countries with an attitude of respect and admiration. Through familiarities, children come to feel connected to the global human family. Lessons and experiences with nature inspire a respect for all life. To teach more about our world, we use materials to teach land and water forms, maps, parts of the world globes, and world cultures.
Art and Music: The comprehensive art and music programs give children every opportunity to enjoy a variety of creative activities, as well as gain knowledge of famous artists.